Zusatzmaterial 02


Das Alphabet (the alphabet)

Listen to the German alphabet. Site in English. (Quicktime)

Spoken German alphabet. You can also listen to an ABC-song. (Quicktime)

The German Alphabet in one file. (Realplayer)
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Abkürzungen (abbreviations)

You hear some abbreviations. Wirte them down. The solutions are provided.

Read the abbreviation and read it aloud. Listen to the soundfile to check your pronunciation.

MFG is the title of a song by the famous German group " die fantastischen Vier" (fantastic four"). The abbreviation means " mit freundlichen Grüssen" (with friendly  greetings). It's a phrase often used at the end of an E-Mail.
To listen to the song go to: http://www.viva.tv/index.php?action=show_webclips
Enter "mfg" into the search field. The song is provided in realplayer format.

The Text of the song can be found at: http://www.ex.ac.uk/german/abinitio/pronounce/alphamfg.html
An English translation of the text (and the abbreviations) can be found on the second page: http://www.ex.ac.uk/german/abinitio/pronounce/alphamfg2.html

When listening to the song, try to catch as many abbreviations as you can. You don't have to learn them, but try to filter them form the stream of sounds.

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Buchstabieren (to spell)

Listen to the dialogue and write down the name.

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